

What we do?

Media, entertainment, and sport have been radically disrupted over the last decade through the introduction of the internet, social media, user-generated content, video streaming and various other technological breakthroughs.

AVA Entertainment is a new media network source between content creators, distributors, and consumers.

An entertainment business that creates, develops, and sells content, products, and services, allowing people with similar interests to come together and share information, ideas & projects. AVA has two core scopes: entertainment & network.


In the digital transformation Era, individuals might expect new experiences. As the world moves, more time spent on mobile phones, streaming services, and game playing will become an important arena for revenue.

The global gaming business is worth $300 billion; gaming enthusiasts are exploring new ways to turn their interests into income. Play-to-earn is a new concept enabling players to make real-world money simply by playing their favourite games - no need to be a popular streamer or participate in competitions.


In this context, AVA enables businesses and civil society to work together and reinforce economic benefits influenced by the current digital transformation era by promoting Entertainment content.

AVA Entertainment plans to develop, publish, create, and operate a diverse range of digital entertainment and business content worldwide through its global network platform. 

AVA promotes developing and operating a wide range of products and services that cater to diverse customer tastes and lifestyles, from Home, Games to Art.