

What is network capital?

Network capital is an expression of social capital in the network society. Social cohesion is fundamental for human development. Participation, trust, solidarity, and reciprocity, grounded in mutual understanding and a sense of shared obligations, reinforce values at the heart of companies.

People have a timeless tradition of cooperating to achieve expected results. Despite issues of competition, people have been helping other people throughout history.

The transformation of national and global societies into “network societies” suggests the usefulness of thinking of social capital as a product of personal community networks and formally institutionalised groups. Instead, our focus is on one aspect: “network capital”.


In this context, Network Capital can become an asset for economic development for two main reasons. 

  1. It is an expression of social capital in the Information Era.
  2. It can significantly contribute to converted models of development cooperation and innovation in the Network Society.

AVA Network Capital is a firm that makes resources, ideas, or attributes available through interpersonal and interactive relations. 

Characteristics of our Network Capital

  • Result of cooperation through Information Technology (ICT).
  • Volunteer action and contributions from asynchronous communications.
  • Communities of interest are based on personal interest, skills, background/experience and sharing a common purpose.
  • Concerned with knowledge generation.
  • Opens a broader array of possibilities for individuals to become involved in actions and issues not bounded by their physical location.

AVA Network Capital is how people collaborate through ICT for personal, collective, and global economic and financial benefits.